Go Paperless, Go Green, Use SoftCampus

Online Portal

Online SoftCampus school portal can help to create a common gateway to the student's all information that parents can globally access it. Student's various useful reports are available for data analysis and decision-making. It has a modular approach & an integrated system with many key features. It contains Modules like Student Information, Health, Activity, Fees, Presence, Exam Schedule, Result, Library and Holiday List. This student parent portal can reconcile reports of various departments and help parents to keep track of their children's all records through the Internet.

Online SoftCampus is a database server, which is the center of your school information system and is used by principals, Office Staff, teachers, Trustees, parents, and students. The system is accessed through internet, so you can view it and work on it from home, work or anywhere. It helps parents to be an active part of their children's education and keep track of all academic progress on a daily basis.

What features you will Get from App.

  • Integrated with SoftCampus - School Management Software -Ensuring minimum human effort and intervention.
  • Student Personal Details
  • Student Health Details
  • Student Activity Details
  • Student Attendance Details
  • Student Result Details
  • Student Fees Details
  • Student Library Details
  • Employee Pay bill Details
  • Easy Operating - Single-click data uploading and data access facility.
  • Trustee, Teacher, Parent can log in to their allotted ID and access the child's academic and administrative data at one source.
  • Secure user login.


  • Increase Parent engagement
  • Make better decisions.
  • Streamline academic tasks.
  • Lowest possible cost of implementation and maintenance
  • Facilitate anytime, anywhere access
  • Let Faculty focus on research and instruction
  • Connect with school community